Summer Faith Blog Tour


faith writing and Christian bloggers

I’m so blessed by writing Holy Vacation Queen blog, it’s a sort of church for me, a spiritual practice, one of the ways I abide in God, and attune to God’s will, a way I separate myself from the voices of the world. I never knew how blessed I’d be by the amazing community of followers and faith bloggers. I’m deeply nourished by your comments and touched by your authentic yearnings to deepen your faith and to live holy, blessed lives that you go on to share with others.

I’ve also realized how important it is for me to retreat from writing, to just be with God without doing, to plunge deeper into my faith without words, to listen to the deeper language of faith and feel the subtle promptings of The Holy Spirit, and to focus on a new project that calls for my attention.  So I’m taking a summer break from writing.

However, having also been blessed by reading many amazing blogs, I’m taking you on a summer blog tour of some of my favorite faith-filled writers. These women and men have blessed me tremendously. I know you will be filled and moved by their writings!

So without further ado, let me welcome you to the first in the Faith Blog Tour series! (PS..I will most probably pop in here and there when inspired!)

Have a blessed summer, I know you’ll enjoy this weekly series.  Remember always, the  spirit of God enfolds us, the truth of God holds us, and we are so loved and blessed! I love you all!

Faith Blog Tour Week #1:

This Dangerous Business by Rebecca K Reynolds from Thistel and Toad is one of the most beautiful descriptions of following Jesus I hve ever read. I hope you enjoy it like I have:

When I share Jesus with you, I don’t share Him promising you wealth or ease. Instead, I promise that if you take the risk of following Him, you will die deaths you can’t even begin to imagine right now.

If you follow Him, I doubt that He will entrust you with much money, (though He could). It is far more likely that He will teach you to live without depending upon it. He will show you that you have loved it too much, and He will begin to pry your fingers from it.

When I invite you to follow Jesus, I do not invite you to join a dominant cultural movement. I do not promise you refuge inside a comfortable group of educated, upper class, white people. Rather, I invite you to meet a God who will find ways to push you out of your regular social groove into questions you don’t even realize  you need to ask and apologies you don’t even realize you need to make….


WE LOVE YOUR COMMENTS! DO say hi and let me know how the weekly blogs have moved you!

8 thoughts on “Summer Faith Blog Tour”

  1. Dear Katerina: It is wonderful that you will take a break from words and simply sit in silence with the Divine. You need a retreat after the tremendously demanding year you have had. Thank you for your dedication and devotion to Holy Vacation Queen….the spiritual gifts I have received have been endless. Thank you for inviting us to journey with your other spiritual sisters. This Dangerous Business by Rebecca is beautifully written and a perfect reminder that so much of what goes on around us in daily life is an illusion and our true path and calling is to remain connected to the divine/Jesus. Every time I swallow my pride….my ego needs…..I feel a sense of dying…….AND REBIRTH at the same time. Through each of these experiences I grow and find more freedom through a closer connection to the divine. Thank you Rebecca

    1. Thank you for your thoughtful comment and for YOUR inspiration to start this summer blog series! I know you will be blessed by other writers,
      and I am grateful for your all your support in all aspects of my life. You being blessed by Holy Vacation Queen has encouraged me tenfold! You are a grand blessing to so many!

  2. Love this idea for the summer and looking forward to discovering more folks whose lives pour out a rich blessing to nourish and encourage my heart! Have a blessed summer!

    1. So glad you like the idea of a blog tour for the summer! I’m blessed by so many writers and hope you will enjoy the series this summer! Thank you Pam, you have a blessed summer,too. I will be visiting each week to reply and say hi if you happen to come again!

  3. Hi Kathy,

    Thanks for sharing “This Dangerous Business” by Rebecca K Reynolds. I agree with you. It is amazing writing. I appreciate how she tells it like it is. Most Christians are busy trying to make the gospel taste like sugar candy when it should taste like a rib eye steak.

    Enjoy your summer!

    1. Thank you Diane, I really was moved by Rebecca’s words and message! So glad you enjoyed, and thank you for your summer wishes! I’m already missing writing..but it’s good to take a break!
      Bless you, and hope to continue correspondence!

  4. This is a BRILLIANT idea! I love that you are sharing other voices and perspectives here, Kathy!

    I’ve been so immersed in moving my mom in down the street from me this summer, and Cassidy’s long course swim- I haven’t been online much at all- nor have I read blogs or written one word. Sigh…

    I miss it. I miss you.

    It’s only a season, where priorities pull me away. I do hope you are having a WONDERFUL summer, my dear friend.

    I’m off to go read that amazing post… Thank you for sharing Rebecca’s words and message. It sounds incredibly important.

    1. I have been so pooped with such a busy schedule, and realized I was feeling grief not writing all summer and taking a break until
      I talked it through with my dear friend and we came up with this idea! So grateful you are enjoying! I miss you too..and you are in
      my prayers and thoughts, and I will visit you and nudge you on social networks this summer to say hi!

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